Friday 3 June 2011

School and Babies :) (Day 8)

So today I went to school... BORING! :P After school, Dani's Nana gave me a ride home, well half way home, anyway... Then at 4:30 pm ishhh... We went and picked up my nephew from my step-mom's house! :D When me and Max got home, we went to the park, we love the park! :D We went and played in teh water too! I love my little man so much! We also went out and ate dinner together and ate some popsicles and slurpees! AHH! I love this boy! :D More to come tomorrow... Max is having a sleep over tonight! :D

On our way back to my house, I LOVE this picture, he's smiling! :D

Playing at the park :)

Playing at the Water Park :D

Playing outside before bath and bed :)

And then we went to bed :) Good night all! :D

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