Wednesday 8 June 2011


To put it bluntly, today was... AMAZING! Nothing really happened, I just had a good day :D I went to school, normal... Then I got to go Babysit, Matius, Nick, and Enzo! I love babysitting! :D That was fun! hahah! Tomorrow, I go to the USA!! SOOO EXCITED I GET TO MISS 3rd and 4th block at school! :D WOOT! :D I'm very excited, this will be my 3rd time in the US! :D I went in 2008, when we drove to Disneyland, and I went in March to go grocery shopping... :) And I'm going for my 3rd time, to go grocery shopping again! I love the US! :D tee hee! Well, it's late I should go to bed, but I think I will post some pics of our last US trip :)

Max listening to my iPod :)

Playing with a Shrek Fan... :P                                    

Playing with my sunglasses and his own sunglasses :)

Playing with a basket that says "Princess" on it, while in Big Lots :P

That's all for now :D

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