Monday 20 June 2011

Exams and Maximus :) (Day 25)

So today I went to school as usual, I missed my counsellors appointment which was at 8:15.. I got to school at 8:30 :( But I rescheduled it for Wednesday at 11:45 :)  I had a practice Provincial exam today for Math... and then a acntual exam in Socials which I finished in 30 mins and we had 2 hours to finish it. When school was over at 2, me and my mom went and picked up Max! :)

After picking him up :) He ate a chocolate donut, so his face was covered in chocolate, he is sooo cute! <3

When we were in the car Max fell asleep and had a LOONG nap.. like 2:30 to 4:30 :P (Thats long for him)
When he woke up we went out for dinner at Wendy's and there was a little boy the same age as him there, they were like instant best friends, it was cute :D

Me and Max hung around for a little but, then decided to go to the park :)

Max swang on the big boy swing! :)

After the park, we went home, I put Max to bed, and i went on the computer.. I'm about done for today.. I think I will go to bed :)


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