Wednesday 15 June 2011

Ashamed, to be a British Columbian.... and school :) (Day 20)

Today, was the Stanley Cup Finals. My city, Vancouver, lost. It's all good though! I was disappointed in my team, but life goes on, like always. Right now, I am VERY disappointed in MY city, Vancouver, they are rioting and starting trouble, this is NOT okay! They should be VERY ashamed of themselves! It was JUST a game, and we should be VERY happy for Boston, they have many Canadians on they're team. In a sense, Canada DID win tonight. Vancouver Police Department Vehicles are being set on fire, people are being injured! HOW dare they disrespect our country, province and city. You are putting a bad name on British Columbian's, and Vancouverites. Tisk-tisk. On a lighter note, I had a good day at school, stayed late after school with Dani, to get some work done :) Only 3 days left!! WOO HOO! SUMMER VACATION! :D Tomorrow, I start my 2nd training shift at McDonalds!! :D More to come tomorrow! :D <33


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