Saturday 2 July 2011

Canada Day Fireworks.... glow in the dark swords :P

Red Firework :P

Crazy Red Firework :P

Crazy Picture of Meghan's glowing sword :D

Meghan "Killing" Me

Haha It was fun! :D

Monday 27 June 2011

Babysitting :) (Day 29-31) (June 25- 27)

so i Babysat all weekend... it was long and really boring! :P im really tired :P I babysat Enzo, Matius, and Nick :)  it was really good in the end :) I have to work now... 6-10, I think... its all good though :)


Friday 24 June 2011

SHIT! :P Sorta missed a day again :( ... oops :P (June 23rd) (Day 28)

So it's 1:00 am... so I technically missed updating, shit! :P Oops.. oh well. Today I worked 2-8, I was originally scheduled to work 5-8, but on my closing shift last night, Shayla asked if I would switch it to 2-8, I said "suuuure, why not? More money for me" :) haha then at like 12:30, Amanda, called and asked me to come in for 1:30, so I went all the way to work a half-hour early and was told they didn't need me until 2... fml.. I stood around for half an hour doing nothing... lol then I went off to work, for 6 hours :) Can't wait to see my 1st pay check! :D

 Can't update, tomorrow (today) :P, Sat, or Sun. Babysitting for the whole weekend :P

lol thats all for now :)

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Work... Work... Work... Max! :) (Day 27)

So today, Me and Max hung out until noon. Then we took him home :)

In the car :)

Then I had to go to work.. I worked 5pm to 1am, it was fun! :) I got off early too! :) I got to get off work at 12 am instead :) Now I am soooo tired :P Bed time :)Working 2pm - 8pm tomorrow :D My feet hurt :P

I shall post again tomorrow :)


Monday 20 June 2011

Exams and Maximus :) (Day 25)

So today I went to school as usual, I missed my counsellors appointment which was at 8:15.. I got to school at 8:30 :( But I rescheduled it for Wednesday at 11:45 :)  I had a practice Provincial exam today for Math... and then a acntual exam in Socials which I finished in 30 mins and we had 2 hours to finish it. When school was over at 2, me and my mom went and picked up Max! :)

After picking him up :) He ate a chocolate donut, so his face was covered in chocolate, he is sooo cute! <3

When we were in the car Max fell asleep and had a LOONG nap.. like 2:30 to 4:30 :P (Thats long for him)
When he woke up we went out for dinner at Wendy's and there was a little boy the same age as him there, they were like instant best friends, it was cute :D

Me and Max hung around for a little but, then decided to go to the park :)

Max swang on the big boy swing! :)

After the park, we went home, I put Max to bed, and i went on the computer.. I'm about done for today.. I think I will go to bed :)


Sunday 19 June 2011

work... Max.. :) school... EXAMS! :( (Day 24)

So today I went to work, I got to work with Meghan, which made me SOOOO happy! :) I love working with her! Even though I didn't really need her help at all. :) Which made me even happier! I'm soo proud of myself! :D Tomorrow I have to go to school form 9 to 2, for exams :( but after that, I get to see my Maximus!! YAY!! I don't work on tuesday

Saturday 18 June 2011

Life is beautiful :) Work..... Sleep... Life... Casidhe... lalala :P (Day 23)

So I worked today, 4pm to 8pm, although, Michelle (my manager) asked if I could stay until 8:30, so I did. But then I stayed until 8:45, because I wasn't paying attention... :P At one point the store was REALLY busy and my fellow cashier was on break, I was working the whole front by myself! :S it was scary, but I did good :) my manager, whom I have had an attachment to since I met her :P kept saying that I was doing really good :) I just have to remember to put fries down.. and I have to go faster, but this my 2nd EVER shift, so I did good :) And my sister wasn't there, which made me a little nervous, but I lived, and I did a good job. I work tomorrow, 1pm to 5pm... :D and my sister works 10am to 6pm which means I will have her there the whole time! :D SOOO happy about that! :D I will feel more comfortable with Meghan there! I love her, and I am not afraid to ask her for help. I didn't have a big problem with asking  people for help today, which I was proud of, because I am SHY! Well, not really shy, but I can be :) lol Now I'm just rambling... So ANYWAYS! I work tomorrow, I'll probably have some stories about that. Then I have final exams on Monday, FML! then on Tuesday I have a day off, then Wednesday its back to work, from 5pm - 1am, then Thursday I work, 5pm to 8pm, then on Friday I babysit, Nicholas, Matius, and Enzo, all weekend, until the 26th? Maybe the 27th, then I'm probably working on the 27th, and then I don't know I have a provincail Exam on the 28th... kinda sacred :P. I think i need to get a calendar so I can keep track of all these things, or a day planner, that would work best :) I will have to get one :) I think thats it for this post, I had to make up for my lack of posts lately... :) Hopefull I will have Max over at one point, I really miss that little bum :)


Woops.... :P Missed a day... sorta (June 17th) (Day 22)

So, I babysat today, so I sorta missed a day of updating.... Just because it's 12:18AM on June 18th.. but it could sorta be June 17.... woops :P oh well.... I'm sooo tired! Update tomorrow (today?) lol

Thursday 16 June 2011

Almost missed updating! :O (Day 21)

Worked today. soooo tired... short blog today.. talk more tomorrow. I cried at work today... I got hurt, and all sorts of stuff... :P lol It's all goo though.. Wasn't too bad for a first real shift :)

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Ashamed, to be a British Columbian.... and school :) (Day 20)

Today, was the Stanley Cup Finals. My city, Vancouver, lost. It's all good though! I was disappointed in my team, but life goes on, like always. Right now, I am VERY disappointed in MY city, Vancouver, they are rioting and starting trouble, this is NOT okay! They should be VERY ashamed of themselves! It was JUST a game, and we should be VERY happy for Boston, they have many Canadians on they're team. In a sense, Canada DID win tonight. Vancouver Police Department Vehicles are being set on fire, people are being injured! HOW dare they disrespect our country, province and city. You are putting a bad name on British Columbian's, and Vancouverites. Tisk-tisk. On a lighter note, I had a good day at school, stayed late after school with Dani, to get some work done :) Only 3 days left!! WOO HOO! SUMMER VACATION! :D Tomorrow, I start my 2nd training shift at McDonalds!! :D More to come tomorrow! :D <33


Tuesday 14 June 2011

Working! :D (Day 19)

I had my FIRST official shift at McDonalds today! :D I'm soo happy! I have a friend, whom I've known since Grade 3 (that's 6 years :P) training with me! We're going to be work buddies! I think it's awesome! :D Today, we just went through the basics, and got to do some stuff! :D I am MORE than excited for my 2nd shift on Thursday! :) My sister was also there, working :) She's assistant Manager, which is awesome! :) I can't wait to make all sorts of money! MUWHAHAH! :D


Monday 13 June 2011

ohhhh... Life. (Day 18)

So life, has been extremely boring.. nothing to do, nothing to do. NO I do NOT want to do my homework.... FML! Only 5 days left of school. I am SO done! I don't want to go, I don't want to go! Anyways... I went to get my Socials Insurance # today at Service Canada, BORING! lol I also went and got my first debit card and bank account! :D That was the highlight of my day. I had an English Final Exam today in English.... That was NOT fun.. I just want to have summer already! GOSH! :P Tomorrow, we have even more reviewing and a whole bunch of other crap that I don't want to do.. BUT I start my job tomorrow!! Pretty exciting! Going to get all trained up! :D Can't Wait! Tee hee! YAY! :) That all for now.. What I have to find out is how to post through my phone.. I dont know how yet.. but I'll figure it out! :)

Photo I took, today! :)


Sunday 12 June 2011

Not everyone can shit butterflies and rainbows all the time. (Day 17)

lol Random title today :P I did absolutely NOTHING today... My life will be a little more interesting tomorrow :P Keep on waiting for that one ;)

Will be better at the blogging tomorrow :P

~Casidhe :)

Saturday 11 June 2011

Another boring day in the life of Casidhe.... (Day 16)

Well, this will be a very short blog... I had a very boring day, we went shopping, I got some summer clothes, work shoes, and that's pretty much it... BORING! ANYWAYS! I just found out I might not be able to put a blog up on the 24th, 25th, or the 26th! :( I will be babysitting in north delta... :) Anyway's, I might find a way to post with my phone! :) then on the 27th I will post pics and some other stuff :D lol FUN stuff! :D OH! I took this pic of myself, I like it! :P I'm wearing my new Polo-T :D

Her's another ;)

tee hee :)

Friday 10 June 2011

My nephew, Maximus MacNeil (Day 15)

My nephew, Max, was born on the 22nd of Febuary, 2009. I met him on the 25th of Febuary, 2009, I was 13 years, 1 month, and 8days old :). I held him, and he cried, and cried, and cried, but I was in love! He has had his little finger wrapped around my heart for a long time! <3

One of the first times I had held him, he was a couple weeks old! He had brown hair! :O

About, 3 months old, I love him soo much! He only cried when my little brother held him! HAHA!

One of my favourite shots, you can see my love for him in my eyes! This boy, is my life <3

Max and I, on his 1st brithday! :D

Playland, last summer, I got to take him on his very first amusement park ride! :D

Playing on the play thing at Playland! :D

Another one of my favourite shots, Me, Max, and Max's sister, Sarah, also, my niece, walking holding hands <3

Halloween, 2010, personally, I hate this photo, but oh well, we were making memories! :D

This was taken on Max's first day at "Nauntie's" House :D

Max, and I more recently, Don't know the exact date :P

One of my ABSOLUTE favourites! :D I had long hair! :P

Mid-May this year :D The day I got my hair cut :D

Another recent one, I love this one because we both have really cool glasses on! :D

The most recent photo of the two of us! :D This was yesterday on our trip to the states! :D

His shirt says "If you think I'm cute, you should see my 'Nantie'" hahah!

I love him! I love him! I love him! <3 This little boy is my whole life, I don't know what I would do without him! :D

Thursday 9 June 2011

WENT TO THE USA! :D (Day 14)

Today, I went to school, but I got to come home early! :D At noon, me, my sister, my brother, my sister-in-law, and my nephew, all went to the USA!! It was SOOO much fun!! :D Pictures :)....

Wednesday 8 June 2011


To put it bluntly, today was... AMAZING! Nothing really happened, I just had a good day :D I went to school, normal... Then I got to go Babysit, Matius, Nick, and Enzo! I love babysitting! :D That was fun! hahah! Tomorrow, I go to the USA!! SOOO EXCITED I GET TO MISS 3rd and 4th block at school! :D WOOT! :D I'm very excited, this will be my 3rd time in the US! :D I went in 2008, when we drove to Disneyland, and I went in March to go grocery shopping... :) And I'm going for my 3rd time, to go grocery shopping again! I love the US! :D tee hee! Well, it's late I should go to bed, but I think I will post some pics of our last US trip :)

Max listening to my iPod :)

Playing with a Shrek Fan... :P                                    

Playing with my sunglasses and his own sunglasses :)

Playing with a basket that says "Princess" on it, while in Big Lots :P

That's all for now :D

Tuesday 7 June 2011

BORING! (Day 12)

Yet another boring lonnnnng day! I have had NOTHING to say lately! Today I did the ussual... So nothing new to tell everyone :( lol I will share an awesome music video from Boyce Avenue, whose, concert I may be going to see on Sept. 11th!! WOOT!

I LOVE their covers! :D

:P well, bye for now! I'll start posting more interesting blogs soon! :P

Monday 6 June 2011

(Day 11)

Another, boring long day... Went to school. did the normal things... That pretty much it! :P I have TONS of homework to do, and it's already 11:43pm! AHHH! lol Short blog, today to... :P

Sunday 5 June 2011

LONG DAY! (Day 10)

It was a very long day today. I feel like sleeping just thinking about it! Me and Max had the day all to our selves. We went to the park, and stayed at home and played "Lahloh" or Playdoh... We slurped on Slurpees and had a great time! Max tanned and I freckled and burned :( lol But life is till good :) Might be going to the states next weekend! :D IT WILL BE FUN! :D hahaha! I'm soo tired, it's not even funny. So, sorry this was such a short, pictureless, blog... :P

Bye Bye for now! :)

Saturday 4 June 2011

--------NAPPING--------- (Day 9)

Today was such a beautiful day! It got up to 24°C or 75°F! It was HOT! Me and Maximus went out for a walk in the morning and enjoyed the sun!
Enjoying the sun :) 20°C at 9:30 am :)

I also got some really good nature/photography shots while on our walk.... :)

In the trails by my house <3

We also went to the park and the water park, we ate ice cream and slurpees, then it was 12:30pm :P lol And it was time for my little boy to have a nap...





After Maximus woke up from his nap, we decided to go for another walk :) We went a played at the park, and blew bubbles :)

Then we stayed home for a while... we watched the Stanley Cup Finals, GO CANUCKS GO!!! WOO HOO!

Then we decided to soak up a little more sun before the day was over.... played at ANOTHER park :)

THEN, we went to bed and our day was over! Tomorrow, I plan on wearing Sunscreen and playing more, then Max has to go home so I can go to school :) Had an awesome, busy day in the sun <3


Friday 3 June 2011

School and Babies :) (Day 8)

So today I went to school... BORING! :P After school, Dani's Nana gave me a ride home, well half way home, anyway... Then at 4:30 pm ishhh... We went and picked up my nephew from my step-mom's house! :D When me and Max got home, we went to the park, we love the park! :D We went and played in teh water too! I love my little man so much! We also went out and ate dinner together and ate some popsicles and slurpees! AHH! I love this boy! :D More to come tomorrow... Max is having a sleep over tonight! :D

On our way back to my house, I LOVE this picture, he's smiling! :D

Playing at the park :)

Playing at the Water Park :D

Playing outside before bath and bed :)

And then we went to bed :) Good night all! :D

Thursday 2 June 2011


So as you can tell, I couldn't figure out a good blog post title.. :P lol Anyways.. today I woke up late, at 8 am... I had to straighten my hair, and get ready, so by the time I was ready to go it was 8:30... School starts at 8:22 >.< My sister, Meghan gave me a ride on her moped! It was sooo cool, I've never been on a moped, I've been on a motorcycle ounce but only that ounce....

Megs on her moped :P

After that, school went as usual... Boring... :)

Well, tomorrow I get to have Max over! Which is soooo exciting because I didn't see him last week... His mom said that everytime the doorbell of the house rings, he goes running yelling "NAUnTIE!? NAUNTIE! NAUNTIE!" But then he gets mad because it isn't me! Happy to know I'm loved though! :D

Think'll just post more pic's of Max.. more blogidge to come tomorrow... and even more pics of Max! <3

Max and Matius playing on the Piano :)

Me and my baby <3 I love him soo much <3

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Live and Love :) (Day 6)

So Last night I stayed up 'till 4:30 am and got up at 7:00 am... I was doing homework.. lol I went to school and had a normal day. I got home and watched the Stanley Cup Play-offs, Canuck's vs. Bruins. WE WON! We now lead the series 1-0! I'm soo happy! lol. On Friday after school, I might get to have Max over, depending on when I have my orientation for my new job. I don't have much to say today... I guess I'll finish off with some pics... :P

Max and I after grocery shopping in the states, April 3rd, 2011

Max, April 24th, 2011                                      

Max with a crazy face, April, 25th, 2011                                              

 Crazy Faces in the car, May, 14th 2011

 May 22nd, 2011 :D                                                    

A little boy I babysit, Nickolas, and Maximus :) May, 22nd, 2011

Matius, Nickolas' little brother, and Max, also on May, 22nd 2011 :D