Tuesday 31 May 2011

School, Babysitting, Homework.... :D (Day 5)

Today, Was eventful :D I got up at 7 am, which is weird because I went to bed late. At 7:30am when I was supposed to be getting ready for school, I was in my sisters room talking about getting my resume printed... I made it to school with time to spare, I had Math first thing this morning, which I just didn't want to go to. Then I had AVID and we had to finish our portfolios, I was on top of my game, I almost finished the whole thing :) In Socials, I didn't really do anything but work really hard :D In science We're doing a project, it was boring. I really didn't want to do it, BUT oh well :P After school, I had an hour at home, (3:30pm to 4:30pm) Then I went to go babysit, Sasha and Trinity! :D It was fun, I love those girls <3  I babysat until 9:30, then I went home. It's now 10:30 pm. I should be doing homework, but instead I am updating my blog :P I made $25.00 which is awesome :) I love money ;) Other than that my day was pretty boring... I guess I'll do my homework. I should've been doing it, a LONG time ago, but OH WELL! hahaha


Monday 30 May 2011

I GOT MY 1st JOB! (Day 4)

Well, today I was home sick from school. I did a lot of homework, I cleaned the house, and sat on my ass... :P At 6:30pm, my sister called me from work (My sister is Assistant Manager at McDonalds) and said I should come down, because my sisters manager wanted to interview me and possibly hire me! Well, I went down there, I sat down, and we talked. Within 10 minutes I had the job! I AM ECSTATIC! One of the questions I was asked was, "It's a busy day, there is a spill in the lobby, there is no ice left in the ice bucket, and there is a long line of customers waiting to be served, what do you do first?" I said, "Well, fist, I would take care of the spill, because it is a slipping hazard, and second I would take care of the ice" She asked "Why would you take care of the ice before you took care of your waiting customers?" And I said " If there's no ice, you can't serve your customers." Apparently, I am the only person who has ever gotten that answer correct, when asked, by Michelle! I am soo happy! My sister is going to be my boss, though. But oh well! :P Me and Meghan are now, aptly named, HappyMcNeil and HappyMcMeghan :P lol Life is good!!

Bonne nuit tous :)

Praying for Sam (Day 4)

Sam Sartin is a little boy, who's story I've been following for quite a while now. When Sam was 4 months old, he was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma, one of the deadliest forms of child cancers. I pray for Sam everyday. I pray that God, heals Sam, and the treatment is successful. You can follow Sam's progress by following his mom, Cassie Sartin, on Twitter or by their Facebook Page, or you can follow them using their blog. Please keep this little boy in your mind!

Sam: ©Alex and Cassie Sartin

My nephew and I with Sam's "Praying for Sam" bracelets :)
(Please Excuse my messy hair) lol

Praying for you, Sam! <3 

Les enfants sont le futur ! Priez svp pour Sam ! Au revoir pour maintenant !

Sunday 29 May 2011

When Life throws you lemons, make lemonade :) (Day 3)

Today, I woke up at 10:00 am, went downstairs, ate breakfast (lunch) :P Did homework, played Sims, and got ready to go babysit Sasha and Trinidy, at 4:00 pm. So today, I basically, just babysat, being, as  it is 9:57pm, and I got home at like 9:30pm. We did at lot of things, us 3 girls. We went outside and played on the jungle gym, Sash swung in the swing for 30 mins, at the least. She was falling asleep, it was cute :) I love babysitting, another passion of mine :) It was a beautiful warm Spring-Summer day, I loved it! I actually got some homework done too, while I was babysitting! Here's some pics :)



Life is good, in the hood :)

Sea bueno, amigos. ¡AdiĆ³s para ahora!

Saturday 28 May 2011

It's a beautiful life :) (Day 2)

 Today, well... today, I've done nothing, I woke up at 11:10 am, and since then, all I have done is check my Facebook, and play Sims 2. Pretty boring, eh? I told you, my life is REALLY boring! This weekend will probably be a very long, boring one, so far today, I have no plans, which mean I will be sitting on my ass all day, there is a garage sale, across the street, but eh... I don't know. Tomorrow, I will be babysitting from 4:30 until sometime later in the night, which (depending on when I get up) I'll have nothing to do until then. Maybe, I'll do some homework... (YA RIGHT!) Next weekend, I plan to have my nephew over, which means this blog will get, a little more interesting :) BUT we'll have to wait all week for that :P

To keep you occupied, here's a quick video of my nephew eating ice cream and falling asleep in the car, I took this vid, a couple weeks ago, with my phone :)

I forewarn you, you may pass out form over exposure to cuteness ;)

Here's another, Max is playing with my 12 year old brother, Keegan. This video is best viewed in HD ;)

Au revoir, pour maintenant, mes amis :)

Friday 27 May 2011

First Blog (Day 1)

Today, May,27th/ 2011 will be my official FIRST BLOG POST! :) I've never tried blogging before, but I thought I'd give it a go, see how it would work out in the end. I've decided that I will blog, everything that happens, in my day-to-day boring life. :P Let's start of with a little bit of who I am. My name is Casidhe Brianne McNeil, I am the daughter of Debra Lynn Morris and Morgan Alexander McNeil, my parents, hit splitsville when I was 5. I am 15 years old, I was born on the 17th of January, 1996. Family is my world. I have 8 siblings, 6 half-siblings from my dad's side, 1 half-sibling, from my mom's side, and 1 full sibling. Currently I have met, only 5 of my 8 siblings. they other 3, I never got to meet. I have 5 brothers, Alan, Liam, Morgan II, Daniel, and Keegan. I have 3 sisters, Shannon, Belinda, and Meghan. I have a bunch of nieces and nephews, but I only know, 3 of them, they are my older brother, Morgan's children, Morgan III, Sarah, and Maximus. My nephew, Max, is my whole world. I can not imagine what my life would be like with out this little man in it. I love him in every single way possible. There are no words to describe the love I have for this boy.

Lets get into more details about me. I am absolutely car seat "crazy" I love seeing kids properly restrained when in the car. I don't know where this "obsession" came from, it just happened. On another note, I am a grade 9 student at Langley Secondary School, In Langley, BC, Canada.I am currently taking, Socials 9, Math 10, English 9, Science 9, and AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) 9. Sometimes, it may not seem like it, but I LOVE school. There are times, when I'd rather not be there, because, yes, it does suck sometimes. In the long run, I know the benefits of school and I will rough it out :)

My life, in a short sentence, is very simple and plain. I rarely do anything exciting, my weeks usually consist of going to school (Monday to Friday) and on the weekends, I usually have my nephew over (that's what I wait all week for :P)

So, I hope you all enjoyed my first ever blog attempt, (I hope it wasn't too bad) I hope I keep up with it everyday :)